In Turkey it is often published with marginal notes by a Turkish scholar called ' al-Qunawi' in seven volumes. 685AH/1286CE), also famous as Tafsir al-Baidawi - a shortened version of Al-Kashshaf, with Mu'tazili references altered printed in two volumes. Anwar al-Tanzil' by Abdullah bin Umar al-Baidawi (d.This Qur'aanic commentary is popular in North Africa.

541 or 546AH), a Maliki judge from al- Andalus.

Al-Jami' li-Ahkam al-Qur'aan ("The collection of Qur'anic Injunctions") by al-Qurtubi (1214-1273CE) by the famous Maliki jurist of Cordoba, in Andalusia.745AH/1344CE) is a linguistic commentary on the Qur'aan primarily from the standpoint of Arabic grammar and Rhetoric. Al-Bahr al-Muhit by Abu Hayyan al-Gharnati (d.1809CE), generally known as Tafsir ibn Ajibah - a two-volume work by a Moroccan Sheikh of the Darqarwi branch of the Shadhili Order of Sufism. Al-Bahr al-Muhit ('The Encompassing Ocean') by Ahmad ibn Ajiba (d.He was a jurist from Andalusia ( Muslim Spain) His interpretation has been published in three volumes and contains commentary on the legal rulings of the Qur'aan according to the Maliki school. The author is also known as ' Qadi ibn al-Arabi' ( ibn Arabi, the judge) to distinguish him from the famous Sufi Ibn Arabi. Ahkam al-Qur'aan by Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi (d.543AH/1148CE).This was published in three volumes and remains popular amongst the Hanafis of India, the Middle East and Turkey. Based on the legal rulings of the Hanafi school of Islamic law. Ahkam al-Qur'aan ('The Commands of the Qur'aan) by al-Jassas (d.Tauraat or Tauraah توراة sourate al-qur'aan.Al- Qur'aan قرآن mohammed alayhi salam Riad al-Salihin Fakih ("Majdi Smiri").