Add these two lines above any other lines that start with host: Replace VERSION with the version of your PostgreSQL database. You need to review your pg_hba.conf file located at: Not all PostgreSQL installations allow this authentication method by default.
RT supports connecting to PostgreSQL a few different ways, but authenticating with a username and password is simplest, and this guide is written based on that.
You need to consider this step whether you install the database locally, or use an existing one already running. Record this you’ll need it later.Įnable password authentication in PostgreSQL Sudo createuser -createdb -createrole -login -pwprompt rt_admin If you don’t have that, you can create it by running: In order to set up RT’s database, you will need a PostgreSQL account that can create databases and roles and be authenticated with a password. If you want to install a fresh PostgreSQL database server alongside RT: Installing and configuring the PostgreSQL server RT supports a few different databases, but the best supported options are PostgreSQL and MariaDB. It can be remote, or you can install a database server alongside RT. RHEL Community Distributions: Fedora/CentOS/Rocky sudo dnf install epel-release (Turning off SELinux enforcement is required on Red Hat-based distributions because, as of March 2022, nobody has written a policy for RT.) Sudo sed -i~ '/^SELINUX=/ c SELINUX=disabled' /etc/selinux/config
Sudo dnf install patch tar which gcc gcc-c++ perl-core perl-App-cpanminus graphviz expat-devel gd-devel multiwatch openssl openssl-devel w3m Sudo subscription-manager repos -enable "codeready-builder-for-rhel-$MAJDISTVER-$(arch)-rpms" For RHEL-derived distributions like CentOS and Rocky, go to the next section.

These instructions are for RHEL specifically. These are required by RT, either to run or to install the dependencies.ĭebian/Ubuntu sudo apt install autoconf build-essential cpanminus curl libexpat-dev libgd-dev libssl-dev libz-dev gnupg graphviz multiwatch openssl perl w3m Red Hat Enterprise Linux

This guide walks you through installing RT from source on a modern, popular Linux distro. Prev: ManualRequirements - Up: UserManual - Next: ManualApacheConfig