Policlinica cu plata serban voda
Policlinica cu plata serban voda

Of course, a polyclinic is a specialised term and if it is not the same between our countries, I would suggest the term "private health unit". However, as the exact same concept may not be transferable between Romanian and English, we do have a more general term, "private unit", which describes a service for paying patients provided by the National Health Service (NHS), which is the state(or public) medical service. Polyclinics are sometimes co-located with a hospital." See: To help your decision, a "polyclinic" in this country is "a place where a wide range of health care services (including diagnostics) can be obtained without the need for an overnight stay. It is quite a new concept in this country and although they are not usually private in UK (but may be managed by a private company), there is a move by the current government to create private polyclinics so the term would be understood. In UK a polyclinic is a specialised term and it could be the correct one to use. Policlinica cu Plata este o unitate medicala cu traditie in Constanta. In UK paying services, not covered by national insurance, are technically termed as "private", not "paying". Societatea civila medicala Doctor Popescu Daniel si Asociatii (Policlinica Serban Voda / Policlinica cu plata nr. You could add onto this ".within public health sector" for precision. Toate examinrile imagistice se elibereaz pacienilor impreuna cu buletinul de interpretare radiologic. Policlinică cu plată English translation: pay clinic GENERAL ELECTRIC, XR 6000, digitalizat cu FCR Capsula XLII, radiografii digitale intr-un minut, ce pot fi furnizate pe film, prin tehnologia DRY-PIX -Fuji sau pe CD, impreuna cu softul de citire : E-film, IBM. Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.Portal generalist care include un director de tip web, o revist a presei, articole i anunuri din diferite domenii, jocuri online, galerii de imagini i un forum. Preul testului RT PCR COVID-19 este de 185 lei pentru plata n recepia, iar la plata n online beneficiezi de 10 discount. General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters 'Societatea Civila Medicala Doctor Popescu Daniel si Asociatii (Policlinica Serban Voda)' ofera solutii medicale complete a caror calitate se ridica la cele mai inalte standarde. Societatea civila medicala Doctor Popescu Daniel si Asociatii (Policlinica Serban Voda / Policlinica cu plata nr.

Policlinica cu plata serban voda