With the BP approach, one partner can be a customer as well as a vendor, using the same data object number. You create and manage centrally your business partners (BPs) and the roles they assume for your company.” For the purposes of this blog, we will deal with business partners as customers and vendors. You use this business object for a variety of business transactions. defines a business partner (BP) as: “A person, organization, group of persons, or group of organizations in which a company has a business interest. Rather, I would like to introduce the concepts to you in order that some of the mystery around this topic can be explained.

This blog is not meant to show you how to configure business partners and customer-vendor integration (lord knows there are enough blogs out there on that subject – see the end of this blog for links to further reading). As their use in SAP is mandatory, the old transactions used to maintain vendors and customers have now been deprecated, replaced by one transaction: BP or for Fiori users, the app “Maintain Business Partner”. One such innovation, which is mandatory in S/4HANA is the use of business partners to replace the master data objects of customer and vendor. This means it is particularly important to cut through the fog and get to a clear understanding of what needs to happen to smooth your path from SAP ECC6.0 to SAP S/4HANA. Additionally, SAP have now made it clear that the pendulum has swung from greenfield S/4HANA implementations to system conversions (traditionally known as “brownfield” implementations). So when a new SAP platform is on the horizon and new concepts become mandatory, before you can convert your existing platform to the new one, it is easy to see why SAP functional analysts become frustrated. We all know that, from long hard years of experience. Search Our SAP Job Board Business Partners And Customer-Vendor Integration in S/4HANA Conversions